
KsCopy V61yo (Ver.


How to install KsCopy V61yo

How to uninstall KsCopy V61yo

How to install .NET6.

How to install KsCopy V61yo

Microsoft .NET v6.0.3 or later is required.

Please click on How to install .NET6.

1. Unzip the KsCopySetup.zip file to a suitable location.

    Run KsCopySetup.exe.

2. If the display shown below appears, click the [More info].

    Why does this display come out?

    There is no authentication because it costs annual to prove the issuer.

    This software is scanned with "ESET Internet Security".

    Also, you can scan with "Microsoft Defender" by right-clicking.

3. Click the [Run anyway].

4. Click the [Yes].

5. Click the [OK].

6. After reading the license agreement, check the [I accept the agreement], and click the [Next].

7. Click the [Next].

8. Click the [Next]. If you need a shortcut on the desktop, check the [Create a desktop shortcut].

9. Click the [Install].

10. Click the [Next].

11. Check the [Launch KsCopy] and click the [Finish].

    Launch to install Microsoft .NET 6.x.

12. Click the [Yes].

    If it doesn't boot, install the latest .NET 6.0.

    How to install .NET6.

    This is the end of the installation.

How to uninstall KsCopy V61yo

Method 1. Uninstall from the app and features.

Method 2. From All apps, right-click KsCopy and click Uninstall.
             Uninstall by uninstalling or changing the program.

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