Encrypt screen
Preferences screen
Tools tab
Password entry
Keyboard shortcuts
About updates
KsCopy 61yo is a software to synchronously copy files.
It can be used as a backup.
■ Setting screen
● Set by Drop
Drop the source folder into the source folder (file).
In the same way, drop the destination folder into the destination folder.
This completes the copy settings.
● Start button
Press the Start button to start synchronous and encrypted copies.
● Synchronous copy
For faster processing, copy only dates for faster processing.
Anything not in the source folder will be deleted from the destination folder, so please be careful.
If a file is set as the source folder, it is not deleted from the destination folder.
Copy from the top of the list.
Line 1 => Folder B => Folder C
Line 2 => Folder A => Folder B
Generation management is also possible with the above configuration.
● Encrypted copy
For faster processing, make an encrypted copy of only those with different update dates.
The encrypted copy becomes the new file name.
Delete files that are not in the source folder.
Delete files in the destination folder that do not have the extension ". enc".
Delete any files in the destination folder that are not KsCopy encrypted files.
Files in the destination folder with an invalid password are not deleted and are registered in the error log
● Normal click (left click)
You can switch between copy mode and encryption mode by clicking
(left-clicking) in the center column that shows the copy method.
● Right-click
Right-click in the "Copy From Folder (File)" field and the "Copy To Folder" field.
◎ Start Explorer
◎ Delete
◎ Change drive
◎ Change all drives
Dialogue box.
If you right-click in the that shows whether copying is possible or not.
◎ Up
◎ Down
◎ Insert Row
◎ Delete row
◎ Copy mode
◎ Encryption mode
Dialogue box.
● Copy settings
Nine settings are available, from Copy Setting 1 to Copy Setting 9. You won't use everything first.
● Display
The blue folder is online (accessible).
The red folder is offline (inaccessible).
If an external drive is connected later, it can be recognized by the "Rescan" button.
Otherwise, the setting for that line is skipped.
The "File" image is an copy.
The "Shield" image is an encrypted copy.
If there is an update in the upper left, it will be displayed.
When you finish, you will receive an update message, so please update.
■ Log screen
When copying ends, the log screen appears.
Return to the setting screen with the "Close" button.
Shut down Windows with the Shutdown button.
■ Decryption Screen
This is a setting screen that combines encrypted data.
The settings are not stored in memory.
● Set by Drop
Drop the crypto folder (file) to "Drop the crypto folder (file) here".
Similarly, drop the destination folder to "Drop the destination folder here."
Next, please check the "Decrypt" column of the file you want to decrypt.
The Select All button is available to select all.
This completes the decryption setup.
Press the Decrypt button to start the decryption.
Anything not in the encrypted folder will be deleted from the destination folder, so please be careful.
If you set an encrypted file, it is not deleted from the destination folder.
■ Encryption screen
The setting screen for encryption.
The settings are not stored in memory.
● Set by Drop
Drop the want to encrypt folder (file) to "Drop the folder (file) you want to encrypt here.
Similarly, drop the destination folder to "Drop the destination folder here."
Next, please check the "encrypt " column of the file you want to encrypt.
The Select All button is available to select all.
This completes the encryption setup.
Press the Encrypt button to start the encryption.
Anything that is not in the encrypted folder will be deleted from the destination folder, so please be careful.
If a file is set, it is not deleted from the destination folder.
■ Preferences screen
● Open log file button
View the log file.
● Check Update button
Check for updates.
● The following settings are available.
◎ Write processing history to log (default : off)
Writes all copied file names to the log.
When off, errors are still logged.
◎ Move deleted files to the trash. (Default : off)
◎ Processing ends automatically 10 seconds later. (Default : off)
◎ Shuts down Windows if it is automatically closed (default : off)
◎ Organizes temporary folders during shutdown (default : off)
◎ Displays the shutdown button. (Default : on)
◎ Notifies you when a different password is entered. (Default : On)
◎ Check for updates automatically. (Default: On)
◎ Install updates automatically when finished. (Default: On)
If it is off, a web page for download will be displayed.
◎ Progress display position (default : upper center)
◎ Create a shortcut with arguments
● About arguments
/a Autorun
Once activated, you don't need to press the start
/h Auto Execute, Auto Exit, No Progress
Set it in the task scheduler and copy it without permission.
The icon appears in the notification area appears in the notification area.
/h /s Auto Execute, Auto Exit, No Progress, Auto Shutdown.
■ Tools tab
● Create Key File button
Outputs a random, 256 bit encryption key to the file.
At the same time, you can output the encryption key converted to Base64 to a file.
Please store carefully.
● Create log file as zip file button
Output the log file in ZIP file format.
■ Password entry screen
Passwords can be up to 32 bytes (256 bits).
By dropping the "Key File", you can select and enter the encryption key file created by the "Create Key File" button.
The first 256 bits can be used as a read encryption key for files other than those created by the "Create key file" button.
Caution: Files such as. jpg and. bmp cannot be used as encryption keys
because the first 32 bytes are used as headers and they are the same.
Handle with care.
■ Keyboard shortcuts
Quit: Ctrl + Shift + Q
Rescan: F5
■ About updates
If there is an update, a confirmation dialog will be displayed at the finished.
Also, if it is executed without displaying the progress, a balloon notification will be sent.
Click on the balloon notification to you will be asked if you want to update at the end.
■ Note
● Regarding the accuracy of the update date and time of the disk format
NTFS update time in 100 nanoseconds
ExFAT update time in 10 milliseconds
FAT16 update time in 2 seconds
FAT32 update time in 2 seconds
But if you actually copy it
The update time is the same when copying between FAT and FAT32 and the update time is the same between FAT and exFAT too.
But when copying between NTFS and exFAT, the update date is different.
That's the result.
Allow errors for 2 second when the source format and the destination format are different then the source format is NTFS.
● Folders that cannot be set as copy sources
Windows Folders containing the above and subfolders above
● Folders that cannot be set as copy destinations
Folders containing the above and subfolders above.
●Revision history
There is no change in functionality.
Change URL of update file.
Requires Microsoft .NET v6.0.3 or later.
There is no change in functionality.
Requires Microsoft .NET v6.0.2 or later.
There is no change in functionality.
Requires Microsoft .NET v6.0.1 or later.
Thank you